Both the present and the futures of the Young People who reside at Ashlea House are the central focus of the establishment and as such we offer:
Ideally prior to admission to the service Young People are encouraged to play an active part in their placement. Wherever possible we actively encourage all Young People to make an initial visit to the setting where they have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the surroundings and the structure of the organisation. Young People are then provided with a pack of information to take away with them to read at their leisure.
Following this initial visit Young People are invited to participate in a meal time visit and then are offered an overnight stay during which time they can meet the other Young People and the staff team.
All Young People are allocated a key worker who takes a special, in-depth interest in their care and support. The key worker is supported by a case holder to prepare and plan direct work sessions and reports.
Our young people are encouraged to play an active part in the development of their care plan, behaviour management plan and risk assessments ensuring that they take responsibility for the behaviours that they display. These files are reviewed by Young People on a monthly basis with the support of their key worker.
From decorating their rooms to cooking for residents and staff all of our Young People are offered the opportunity to gain the skills required for normal life. By providing a stable environment with consistent structure and boundaries where young people feel safe Ashlea House prepares our residents for moving on, whether that comprises supported living or independent living within the community.